Sunday, October 12, 2008

Singin in the rain

I have to say that one of the greatest parts of being a Mom is when you see the fruits of your labor or teaching bearing itself in your child's life. And then there are times when you totally did not intend to impart a particular behavior to your child and they pick up on it in a snap, and you realize that they are always watching.
So as it goes, I for whatever reason had the song "How Great Thou Art" in my head all day and repeated the lines "Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art..." as I did my daily chores. Several hours later, my daughter is playing in her room and I hear at the top of her lungs "I sing my SOOOONG my Savor a Theeeeee." I did two things at that moment: 1) Melted inside and 2) Thanked God that I chose that song and not one of the many other options that could have come out of the plethora of my memory...could you imagine the possibilities? It will be a lesson I learned the easy way, and I will not forget!!!

Well, my first weekend of having no unpacking to do ended with - rain. I had high hopes of exploring the town (what little there is), eating at a cafe, and spending luxurious time with my husband whom I haven't seen in days.............and he is on the couch sleeping. The only things going on in town got rained out, and the cafe didn't have food, only coffee, and I was dragging along a two year old who was ready for lunch...oh, well. Thus goes the life of a mom. The Lord is teaching me time after time, that He is in charge, that the best laid plans fall to the wayside with what He has in store. Of course I have enjoyed this time of relaxation, baking brownies, reading a novel, and, well, blogging...
Praise God for knowing when we need to rest, even when we do not.


Marylou said...

Oh how I could hear her little voice in my head as you told the story, and my eyes welled with tears! How precious! Thanks for sharing the "I sing my SOOOONG my Savor a Theeeeee" story. I had after eating lunch with Joshua and Ashley, a very laid back afternoon here.

Kristi Eileen said...

How sweet is she?!? Hey that coffe cafe` sounds good. Wish I could have been there with you,I so would have downed thoses brownies!