Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Season 4

Ok, so there haven't been too many updates from the land of little people lately. Let's just say we've been traveling down the yellow brick road...
To try to catch you up on everything would just be craziness, sort of like missing a whole season of your favorite show (gasp!). So we will just pick up on the premier of Season 4, say sorry you missed most of Season 3, and there aren't reruns...
Up to date, need to know info:
We now live in Sherman, IL. It is amazing and wonderful and quite unexpected.
We will be married for 4 years July 9.
Micah is loving his job.
We have found a church home: Calvary Temple
Nicole is getting connected here and there, but really just trying to take it easy, they say the hardest things in life are getting married, having kids, moving, changing jobs, etc. etc. and let's just say, I've been through the ringer and am taking a break to truly enjoy my blessings.
Micaiah turns 3 in a few weeks. She has planned her whole party out on her own and is totally excited. I can't believe what a big girl she is now.
Nicolae just turned 1. Wow. He has a little man haircut, he is starting to talk (I want...) and is running non-stop all the time. He is getting into a little habbit of biting, but we're working on it. Really he is a sweetheart with too much energy!
We have a dog named Clyde and a fish named Sir Walter.
Hopefully now I can keep you loved ones caught up. Missed you!