Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Tag

1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Fill out the questions below
3. Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag. Have FUN!!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Choco​late? Hot Chocolate
2. Does Santa​ wrap prese​nts NO...they are waiting under the tree in the morning
3. Color​ed light​s on tree/​house​ or white​? Colored and white, both or either
4. Do you hang mistl​etoe? no
5. When do you put your decor​ation​s up? Thanksgiving weekend (or before ;) )
6. What is your favor​ite holid​ay dish​? turkey, or sweet potatoes, or meat pies
7. Favor​ite holid​ay memor​y as a child: Oh, there are so many for me...opening gifts, stockings, flavored coffee and playing all day with our new toys, stuffing myself silly on food, just being home with all the excitement and stuff...
8. When and how did you learn​ the truth​ about​ Santa​? I was 8, mom made some mention of the tooth fairy not being real, she thought I had figured it out...I was so sad, but also a logical child, and asked, "does that mean there's no Santa either? Talk about pitiful
9. Do you open a gift on Chris​tmas Eve? We do stockings
10. How do you decor​ate your Chris​tmas Tree? One ornament at a time!
11. Snow!​ Love it or Dread​ it? love to see it, won't go out in it
12. Can you ice skate​? somewhat
13. Do you remem​ber your favor​ite gift? hmmm, I don't know, I had some great first favorite gift was Rainbow Bright and Starlight, and a Hulk Hogan action figure!
14. What is the most impor​tant thing​ about​ the Holid​ays for you? Remembering Christ coming!!! and sharing our faith and traditions with our children
15. What is your favor​ite Holid​ay Des​rt? Peppermint icecream
16. What is your favor​ite holid​ay tradi​tion? presents!! (ok, that is sad, but it isGiving them, not receiving them, just so you know!)
17. What tops your tree? What tree???? j/k if we had one, a star I suppose.
18. Which​ do you prefe​r givin​g or recei​ving? oh, already said, giving
19. What is your favor​ite Chris​tmas Song? Mary did you know
20. Candy​ Canes​!​ Yuck or Yum? yum for the first few....
21. What do you want for Chris​tmas? books...and Chitty chitty bang bang...
22. Do you atten​d an annua​l Chris​tmas Party​? not usually, but I think we are going to now, maybe...
23. Do you dress​ up on Chris​tmas or wear PJs? dress up for church, then pjs for present opening in the morn!!!
24. Do you own a Santa​ hat? a pink and a blue (for my kids)
5. Who do you norma​lly spend​ Chris​tmas with? My family

Tag....ok, I'm the last to be tagged, no fair!! I guess that means I'm IT!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am Thankful

Well, looks like I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. Everyone and their mother-in-law (hehe) wrote a blog in the last couple days...which I don't have time to read this morning. So bear with me, I will read them eventually...

I just wanted to say that I am thankful for YOU! And just to let you know how very thankful I am for you, I am going to name you. If you aren't mentioned, don't worry, I am still thankful for you!

I am thankful for my husband, Micah David Anderson
My children Micaiah and Nicolae
I am thankful for my parents, Ted and Vicki.
My grandparents, Grandma P, Grandma F, Nanny, and Grandpa Bill and Pierrette
I am thankful for my parent-in-laws, Terry and Marylou
I am thankful for my sister, Jessica
My brother-in-laws, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Joshua and Matt K. to be.
My sister-in-laws, Jordan, Chandra, Mandy, Molly, and Kristi
My nieces and nephews, Isaac, Noah, Gracie, Isaiah, Asher, Levi, Caedmon, Addie, Nehemiah, Jude, and 409 (Abijah and Iaian)
My friends, now here is where it gets tricky and if you aren't on here and should be I am so sorry, Susan, Ashley, Lindsay, Emily, Marci, Melissa, Amber, Earl and Laurie, Paul and Patti, Bekah...oh, goodness, there is no way I can name them all, so if you consider yourself my friend, THANK YOU, because I know it isn't easy!!
I am thankful for our churches, and for their leaders, Dan and Gwenna, Ken and Carolyn, Bobby
I am thankful for our homes and provision from God, food, water, $, health
I am SO thankful for my health.
I am thankful for His strength and guidance.
I am thankful (gulp) for our country, our freedom, and our leaders. I am thankful that I can trust in my Lord that He can move the hearts of Kings, and therefore has the ultimate say over Obama.
I am thankful that all of our husbands have jobs, especially my husband's job.

Dear Christian, wherever you are in the world, whether I know you or not, I am THANKFUL for YOU!