Monday, June 22, 2009

What Summer's All About

We had an awesome weekend this weekend doing what I consider, the ultimate summer stuff.
Friday the kids and I went down to Cape to see Amber's new baby twins! They were so little and so cute! Micaiah was hilarious by how excited she was. She said, "oh, mommy, they're SWEEEEET....that one is the perfect sister...." Oh, it was funny! I was so tired by the time we were done with the day though, it was a total of 5 or more hours of driving.
Then Saturday we decided to hit the zoo while we were in town. That was so much fun too! It was unbelievably hot, but the kids loved getting to see all of the baby animals, especially since all the baby ones are out right now.
Then Sunday, Father's Day, we went to early service and then went to the County Fair. We watched the cattle shows and rode rides, and almost melted. Then we came home, napped, made a steak dinner for Daddy, and watched My Fair Lady until bed.
All in all I think that weekends like this are what summer is all about!